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About SOURCE Workshops

SOURCE Integrative Heart Awareness Workshops

In these Workshops, you learn how to develop your intuition and where to feel it in your body. In a simple, guided process, you find the seat of your Soul. You are shown how to use your intuition to guide stable mental, emotional, physical and spiritual releases. Your perceptions will change through Heart Opening meditations. These meditations are required to deepen and integrate the extremely high frequencies that come through during the Workshop. These frequencies are all encompassing, completely holistic and go beyond mind. They arise from a deep, primordial, mystical SOURCE. We are all vehicles for something, primarily Love. Love and Heart are the structures within you through which you can access these frequencies. The SOURCE information and healing comes through an energetic gateway that is created as a straight path to the Heart. In the Workshop a Gateway is held open to assist you reaching deeply enough within yourSelf to create change easily and gracefully. This environment allows us to work on all levels, all dimensions and all bodies at once, bringing in the Love that is required to transform with harmony and ease. It is a purely experiential process.

Additionally, the Workshop offers you deep group-healings that facilitate a complete integration of your soul's purpose, as well as all the healing you have done to this point. You also gain a better understanding of the Human Energy System. SOURCE shows you how to work with other realms and you have the opportunity to ask questions about frequencies unique to you. The classes include vital information about the new frequencies available to us in general and how to live with them. Decisions become clearer and easier. Learning to Trust ourselves is the basis of evolution. Question and Answer time is provided. The journey that these workshops take you through will fill you with hope and renewal, so that you can return to your daily life and share your optimism with others.

Click here for our schedule and to register for a SOURCE workshop.

SOURCE Elements

  • Develop your Intuition and ground it through your body
  • Experience healing processes that enable emotional, mental, physical and spiritual release
  • Transform your Perceptions through Heart Opening Meditations
  • Deepen and Integrate extremely high frequencies unique to the work that transform easily and gracefully
  • Gain a better understanding of the Human Energy System
  • Listen to informative lectures regarding your body changes and the earths changes
  • Plant the seed of Truth and clear Recognition within your heart, to grow and share with other
  • Receive deep Group Healings FOR INTEGRATION AND REGENERATION
  • Learn to work with other Realms
  • Fill your life with hope and renewal, release stress and relax
  • Participate in Question and Answer time (also individual issues/questions on unique frequencies for channelers and healers)

SOURCE Awareness Workshops

Integrative Heart Awareness Workshop for Remembering, Manifesting and Integrating your sense of Self into everyday life. Change and Heal your relationships.

What is it? - What does it do for you? - What can you do with it?

The philosophy of the SOURCE Awareness Work is to bring your heart, your intuition and therefore your own truth fully into your daily awareness in a practical, grounded way that will change your life. This Workshop shows you how to create personal and professional stability in a specially designed process that taps you into your own highest sense of knowledge and wisdom. This is not a process by which you are taught someone else's truth. This workshop is dedicated to your specific needs by creating a healing environment that arises out of Divine Love and the highest frequencies possible. The intention is to bring forth clarity of perception, enable you to set realistic intensions and goals, manifest your ideas and integrate the changes with ease and grace.

This millennium is a time to stand clearly in who you are in order to overcome daily challenges. We are challenged by politics, our environment, our jobs and our relationships. This accelerated life-style requires guidance into a stable place without illusion or fantasy. We tend to get emotionally and mentally attached to rules, regulations and structures that bring us a false sense of security, while in actuality, these structures disappoint us and often disempower us. We are often asked to let go of things we hold on to and are then lost without being able to control our lives. We use society's general guidelines (thought up by the collective or someone in a position of power) to create our individual situations and we accept these as being best for us. Perhaps we feel "safe", because we are doing the "right" thing or we feel trapped because our family wants us to be "this way" or "that way". Whatever the individual story, there is a common thread: we seem to rely on our fragile idealism to uphold an illusion and are in a perpetual state of searching for something that will fulfill us, which ironically, seems to be a large part of what causes our suffering and unhappiness.

This process begins at birth, and if you believe in Karma (cause and effect), before that. We are consistently trained to look outside our selves for stability and reasoning. Our world changes and we look towards the new world for answers. We are conditioned to ‘unlearn' our natural intuitive sense and self-confidence possessed at birth and we become children, then adults that are either stressed, depressed, confused or even ill.

Why is life sometimes difficult and confusing? Why don't our relationships work the way we want them to? Divergence causes confusion. We no longer know how to follow a straight path. When life's challenges arise, we cling to the unconscious or even conscious identification we have with our surroundings. We do not listen to our inner voice. We do not realize that we are searching for the answers in the environment that has caused the confusion. We ask friends, family, neighbors and colleagues for answers and choose the ones that fit our illusion of how things are "supposed to be". Our minds are filled with "musts", "shoulds" and "need to's"!

It sounds simple to just ask YourSelf and stay on track, but who are you and where do you go to ask ? Can you find that place when you have been taught to forget it?

The answer is YES. One of the ways to do this is through the SOURCE Awareness Work.

Where did SOURCE Awareness Work come from?

This Workshop has arisen out of years of observing people becoming disempowered by what they are seeking the most. SOURCE believes that the Seeker IS what they are seeking. These Workshops help you to realize and therefore create a deeper sense of self-love while at the same time facilitating a transformative healing and integrated stress-reduction system for yourself and those around you. It was Nelson Mandela who once said that ""it will not be war nor famine that will destroy us, but our lack of sense of Self".

The intension of all SOURCE Workshops is to teach, guide and support. This is not a conventional teaching. The participant is asked to discover and participate internally and is transformed by their own experiences in the class. This work is experiential, but also explicable. The atmosphere created is deeply supportive, integrative and creative. Since childhood, Alexandra's presence has bridged intense, personal transformation. This class is a forum in which she brings through the highest possible frequencies and facilitates awareness to move you into the perfection of your own evolution.

There is a place where SOURCE comes from. There are Beings that bring SOURCE through for us. They wish not to be named, at present. There frequency is at an unmistakably high, Divine level and there are more of them than you can imagine. This is the beginning of the next level of energetic work and spiritual healing. This is the beginning of our new relationship to our evolution. Additionally, the Angelic Realm is strongly present, Divine Beings come in as a support network, a seed of Self-Awareness is planted and, last but not least, you might be able to feel Christ's presence as a tangible Being, within your HEART.

What does it do for you?

Your life will change as you recognize the physical seat of the Soul. Your perceptions of situations in your life that cause you pain, grief, suffering and tension will change as you REMEMBER to look for the Love within your Heart. Pain is part of our Karmic existence, but suffering is not. The SOURCE Integrative Heart Awareness Workshops will shift your energy from the endless mental and emotional drama to the stillness within your true Self. You may develop a different sense of Love. Heart Opening meditations bring you stability and confidence. Discussions and Answers bring you knowledge and Healings enable you to become Self-Empowered. These experiences are deepened into your system in a way that you bring them forth with you, after the workshop is over, to use your new sense of Self in the world in an understandable way. There is no time to waste. Our spiritual evolution is moving quickly and it is up to us to direct it and ensure that we work with the highest caliber and integrity. Do it NOW. Trust your Self and change the world.

Additionally, SOURCE has the ability to create pathways in your consciousness, opening up your innate ability to access or work with energies such as the Angelic Realm and Fairy Realm. There are many, many light-beings willing to support us at this time. This millennium is a time in which we no longer need to do things alone. We can easily reach out and connect to that support if we know how. We can also learn to share our gifts in an energetic exchange. The key to this work is the Heart. Manifesting a healthy physical, emotional, mental and spiritual reality has been my mission since childhood and I have had much help. It has been Divine intervention and the support of such energies that have no name, that enable me to be who I am and do what I do. I would like to share some of these experiences with you and take the opportunity to show you how to bring this into your own life.

Click here for our schedule and to register for a SOURCE workshop.

The SOURCE Awareness Work is a Copyright of LightWorks Healing, LLC and of Alexandra J. Marquardt, P.O. Box 1764, Santa Fe, NM 87504